Soal Latihan UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 5 Semester 1

Soal Latihan UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 5 Semester 1 tentunya bisa menjadi suatu keuntungan bagi para guru. Sebab, para guru dapat memanfaatkan hal tersebut untuk diberikan kepada para murid. Agar mereka lebih paham dengan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini dengan lebih baik lagi. Supaya nantinya bisa siapa dalam mengikuti UTS. Dengan demikian tidak ada lagi siswa yang melakukan kecurangan karena kurang siap untuk mengikuti ujian tersebut. Memang pada dasarnya pelajaran bahasa Inggris ini sulit bagi sebagian siswa. Hal itu tentu menjadi tanggung jawab guru yang mengampu pelajaran tersebut. Maka dari itu, perlu adanya latihan dari murid secara rutin supaya mereka cepat paham.

Soal latihan ini juga akan membantu para murid agar memahami pelajaran tersebut dengan sebaik mungkin. Oleh karena itu, guru bisa memberikan latihan secara terus-menerus dan membahasnya jika ada yang belum paham terhadap soal-soal yang ada. Untuk itu para murid akan lebih cepat paham. Sebab, mereka sudah terlatih jauh-jauh hari sebelumnya. Tentu hal itu menjadi suatu hal yang sangat menguntungkan. Tidak ada lagi para murid yang mendapatkan nilai jelek berkat bantuan latihan soal ini. Maka dari itu, latihan soal ini memang sangat berfungsi dengan baik dalam menghadirkan pengajaran terbaik. Dengan demikian para guru juga tidak perlu lagi dalam membuat soal latihan dan mencari mana poin-poin penting di dalam pelajaran bahas Inggris ini. Sebab, latihan soal ini sudah merangkum secara lengkap setiap poin penting yang terdapat di dalam pelajaran tersebut. Sehingga tidak akan ada lagi yang merasa terlewatkan dari pelajaran tersebut. Meskipun catatannya kurang dan melewatkan penjelasan guru. 

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d !

1. We can play football in the ….
a. court
b. verandah
c. field
d. bedroom

2. We can do hiking in the ….
a. mountain
b. house
c. school
d. library

3. Rima likes cooking in the ….
a. garden
b. bathroom
c. dining room
d. kitchen

4. Biyan needs a for camping.
a. ball
b. tent
c. net
d. bat

5. We can do surfing in the ….
a. road
b. home
c. street
d. beach

6. Jaki likes music. He is a pianist. He is playing ….
a. guitar
b. piano
c. flute
d. violin

7. Rudi and Rido are bringing a ball and bats. They want to play ….
a. table tennis
b. football
c. basketball
d. vollyball

8. Andi's hobby is philately. He likes collecting ….
a. book story
b. stamp
c. car
d. picture

9. Dani goes to the river. He brings his fish hook. He wants to do ….
a. swimming
b. fishing
c. hiking
d. cycling

10. I am shopping in the supermarket. I bring many things. I am using …
a. Net
b. Pail
c. Trolley
d. hands

11. I want to playing badminton. I need ….
a. shuttlecocks
b. ball
c. marble
d. bat

12. I the floor every morning.
a. listen
b. mop
c. cook
d. watch

13. We have breakfast in the ….
a. afternoon
b. midnight
c. morning
d. evening

14. I usually go to school at ….
a. six to ten
b. ten to six
c. six past ten
d. ten past six

15. My brother takes a nap in the ….
a. morning
b. night
c. afternoon
d. evening

16. I usually at 03.00 in the morning.
a. sleep
b. get up
c. take a bath
d. have a breakfast

17. I always after going home from school.
a. have breakfast
b. have lunch
c. have dinner
d. have supper

18. After having dinner. We see my watch. It’s nine o’clock. We say ….
a. good morning
b. good day
c. good afternoon
d. good night

19. Dewi diary every night
a. writes
b. cooks
c. watches
d. plays

20. My grand father usually plants some trees. He likes ….
a. cooking
b. fishing
c. gardening
d. painting

21. Abdu takes a bath in the ….
a. bedroom
b. bathroom
c. kitchen
d. living room

22. We should play kite in the ….
a. street
b. field
c. garden
d. school

23. Anggel English everyday
a. studies
b. writes
c. listens
d. watches

24. Her hobby is She reads many books
a. singing b, writing
c. reading
d. playing

25. Please come to my Birthday Party on January 02nd, 2018. Underline means …
a. Day
b. Date
c. Time
d. Place

26. Sakira has good voice. She likes ….
a. skating
b. singing
c. hiking
d. dancing

27. I want to mop the floor. I need ….
a. water
b. soap
c. scoop
d. paper

28. If we want to save the money, we can go to ….
a. school
b. market c . bank
d. houspital

29. Sandi …. movie every Sunday.
a. watch
b. read
c. buy
d. study

30. My Father is in the mosque
a. playing
b. praying
c. watching
d. cooking

II. Read the text carefully and than answer the questions!

Hello friends ! Let me introduce my self. I am Robby Saputra. My all friends call me Robby. My hobby is playing football. I like it very much. It is interesting and it can make my body healthy. I usually play it on Sunday afternoon. I play it with my friends. We just need a ball to play it. Someday, I want to be a famous football player, just like Cristiano Ronaldo

1. What is Robby's hobby? Answer : His hobby is …………..
2. Can playing football make Robby's body healty? Answer : ……………….
3. When does Robby play football ? Answer : ………………..
4. With whom does Robby play football ? Answer : …………………
5. Who is Robby's favourite player ? Answer : ………………….

III. Answer the questions!

Read the text carefully!

Hi, I am Fitria.
I want to be a healthy girl.
I always get up early in the morning.
I take a bath three times a day.
Before going to school, I have breakfast.

1. What does she do in the morning?

2. How many times she take a bath?

3. Translate in to Indonesia !
Kasandra's hobby is dancing
Rani is playing rope skipping in the afternoon

4. Translate in to English !
Hobi saya adalah membaca buku cerita
Adisya memasak pada jam 05.20.

5. Arrange these words into good sentences !
• late – never – come – Monday – on – They
• Raja – at – gets – up – sometimes – four o'clock

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