Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Semester 1 K13 Revisi dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Semester 1 K13 Revisi dan Kunci Jawaban akan memberikan suatu gambaran bagaimana ulangan yang nantinya berlangsung. Selain itu juga, para guru dapat memanfaatkan hal itu untuk melatih para murid agar lebih bisa dalam berbahasa Inggris. Memang pada dasarnya pelajaran bahasa ini lumayan sulit bagi sebagian siswa. Hal itu dikarenakan pelajaran bahasa Inggris memang memiliki teori yang perlu untuk dipahami dengan sebenar-benarnya. Kenapa latihan soal ini perlu untuk dimiliki, hal itu dikarenakan banyak hal-hal penting yang perlu untuk diingat oleh para siswa. Bisanya tidak semua siswa akan mengerti dengan penjelasan dalam satu semester. 

Para siswa tentunya akan bisa mengerjakan ulangan dengan sebaik mungkin. Hal itu dikarenakan sebelumnya para guru telah memberikan latihan secara rutin. Untuk itu murid akan lebih memiliki rasa percaya diri yang kuat dan tidak akan takut lagi bila harus diberikan ulangan secara mendadak. Sebab, sudah menguasai apa yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya. Selain itu juga, para guru bisa memanfaatkan latihan soal tersebut untuk membuat soal-soal yang ada. Itu bisa digunakan karena sudah sesuai pada proses belajar mengajar para guru yang ada di sekolah. Sehingga tidak akan melenceng dari proses belajar mengajar yang ada. Setiap siswa juga akan lebih mudah memahami soal-soal tersebut dikarenakan struktur kata hingga menjadi sebuah kalimat sangat mudah untuk dipahami. Maka dari itu, tidak ada salahnya para murid untuk diberikan selebaran latihan soal ini. Baik untuk dipelajari di rumah dan untuk pegangan murid sebagai bahan untuk penjelasan di sekolah tentunya. Dengan demikian semuanya akan berjalan sebaik mungkin. Maka proses belajar mengajar akan lebih optimal.

Materi PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1

Bab Ringkasan Materi
1 Chapter 1 : Good Morning, How Are You?
2 Chapter 2 : This Is Me!

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 (Multiple Choices)

Choose The Correct Answer!


Mom : Reina, it’s time to go sleep

Reina : ….

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

  1. Good bye
  2. Good afternoon
  3. Good morning
  4. Good night

Answer : D


Bella : Hi, my name is Bella.

Dinda : Hello Bella, I’m Dinda, ….

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

a. Are you oke?

b. See you

c. Nice to meet you!

d. Hi

Answer : c

The follow dialogue to answer number 3 until 5

Indah : Hi Dewa, how are you?

Dewa : I’m fine, thanks.

Indah : I’d like to meet you Dewa.

Dewa : Indah, this is my friend, Dayu.

Indah : Oh, hi Dayu, nice to meet you.

Dayu : Nice to meet you to, Indah.

Indah : Are you from Bali?

Dayu : No, I’m from Madura.


The underlined dialogue expresses …

a. Asking for help

b. Greeting

c. Giving help

d. Say sorry

Answer : b


Where Dayu come from?

a. Jakarta

b. Bali

c. Madura

d. America

Answer : c


The dialogue “I’d like to meet you Dewa” can change with …

a. It’s nice to meet you

b. Wow, you are

c. Hang on a minute

d. Meet you soon

Answer : a


Mom : Andy, did you break a plate at breakfast?

Andy : ….., Mom.

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

a. I’m sorry

b. No problem

c. Good bye

d. It’s alright

Answer : a


Teacher : Good Morning Students, ….

Student’s : Morning Sir, I’m fine and you?

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

a. Nice to meet you

b. Have a nice dream

c. Good job

d. How are you today?

Answer : d


Jane : How are you Marry?

Marry : ….

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

a. See you

b. Bye

c. Fine, thanks

d. Sure

Answer : c


Dinda will sleep tonight. She have to say … to her mother

a. Good morning

b. Good night

c. Good afternoon

d. Good bye

Answer : a


The suitable answer for expression “what’s up” is ….

a. Very well, thanks

b. Good morning

c. Hi

d. Hello

Answer : a


Lathifa : Excuse me, … I’m Lathifa from SMP Harapan

Ishita : I am Ishita from SMP Media Unggul. How are you?

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is ….

a. Allow me to know about you

b. Allow me to introduce them

c. Allow me to say hello

d. Allow me to introduce my self

Answer : d

Read the dialogue below to answer question number 12 – 16

Maya : Hi, I am Maya and my full name is Maya Rengganis. What’s your name?

Sari : I am Sari, my complete name is Indahsari Amarilis. I have just moved from Surabaya. Where do you lived?

Maya : I live in Mawar street number 37. What’s your address?

Sari : Bhayangkara street number 113. I live with my grandma here because my parent are still in Surabaya. They work in Surabaya.

Maya : What’s your WA number?

Sari : I’m sorry, I don’t allowed to have handphone for myself. But, you can call me by telephone 021-22897

Maya : Oh, Ok, I will call you tonight.


Where is Sari come from?

a. Mawar Street

b. Bhayangkara Street

c. Surabaya

d. Jakarta

Answer : c


Where does Sari live now?

a. Mawar Street

b. Bhayangkara Street

c. Surabaya

d. Jakarta

Answer : b


Does Sari have handphone?

a. Yes, she does

b. No, she doesn’t

c. Yes, she has

d. No, he hasn’t

Answer : b


With whom does Sari live?

a. Mother

b. Grandmother

c. Grandparents

d. Uncle

Answer : b


The right statement about dialogue above is …

a. Sari live alone

b. Sari’s parents are working in Surabaya

c. Sari lives with her parents

d. Maya has moved from Surabaya

Answer : b

The text to answer question number 17 until 20

Name Ariana
Full name Andina Ariana
Place of birth Medan
Date of birth 12 Agustus 2009
Religion Islam
Address Soekarno street 22 Semarang
Grade 7th
School address SMP Andalusia
Weight 155 cm
Height 45 kg
Favourite food Donut
Favourite drink Strawberry juice


The purpose of the text is to ….

a. Inform what Ariana’s school

b. Retell Ariana’s experience

c. Give information about Ariana’s personal identity

d. Describe about Ariana

Answer : c


How old is Ari in 2021?

a. 12

b. 13

c. 14

d. 15

Answer : a


The word “drink” is the same meaning to …

a. Menu

b. Food

c. Beverage

d. Meal

Answer : c


It can be conclude from the text that …

a. She lives in Medan

b. She is the 7th grade student of Junior High School

c. Ariana don’t like eating donut

d. Ariana have a small body

Answer : b

Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 (Essay)


Match the expressions in column A with the correct responses in column B

Answer :

1 and c

2 and a

3 and e

4 and b

5 and d


Thankyou – well – I’m – very – meet – nice – to – you

Rearrange the sentences below into a good sentence!

Answer :

I’m very well, thankyou. Nice to meet you.


Ann : Let me help you to plant flowers, Mama.

Mama : You are so kind, dear …

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ….

Answer :

Thank you


Translate this expression in to English!

“Selamat malam, Rangga. Sampai jumpa besok!”

Answer :

Good night, Rangga, see you tomorrow!


You are a new student in SMP Bhakti Mulia. You are from Jakarta. How you introduce yourself in class?

Answer :

Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is (your name), I’m new student in Bhakti Mulia Junior High School. I have moved from Jakarta. Nice to meet you all!


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