Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

Latihan soal PAS bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 7 semester 2 dan kunci jawabannya akan memberikan suatu keuntungan bagi para murid dalam memahami pelajaran tersebut dengan baik. Sebab, bahasa Inggris memang merupakan pelajaran yang wajib untuk dikuasai oleh para siswa. Dikarenakan bahasa tersebut merupakan bahasa internasional. Akan tetapi, memang secara praktiknya banyak juga yang masih kurang memahami pelajaran tersebut karena kurang terbiasa. Maka dari itu, perlunya latihan soal. Apalagi untuk anak kelas 7 SMP dan semester 2 bisa menggunakan latihan soal PAS. Sehingga para guru dapat memberikan soal-soal tersebut untuk melatih kemampuan para siswanya agar lebih bisa meningkat dalam berbahasa Inggris dan memahami setiap teori yang diberikan tersebut.

Memang secara teori bahasa Inggris ini memiliki banyak aturan tertentu. Sehingga banyak juga di antara siswa yang kurang memahami pelajaran tersebut dikarenakan teorinya yang begitu rumit. Untuk itu latihan soal ini akan memberikan pemahaman dan tentunya juga kepastian dari kunci jawabannya yang sangat akurat. Maka dari itu, para guru tidak perlu meragukan lagi kunci jawabannya dan tidak perlu repot-repot untuk mengecek Apa isi dari soal-soal yang diberikan itu. Contoh soal ini juga dapat dijadikan pegangan untuk para siswa pada saat menjelang ulangan berlangsung. Sebab, hal itu tentunya akan meningkatkan rasa kepercayaan diri pada siswa dalam mengerjakan ulangan nantinya. Sedangkan untuk para guru juga bisa menjadikan contoh soal ini sebagai landasan dalam pembuatan soal-soal. Jika memang para tenaga pengajar yang harus membuat soal untuk ulangan. Maka tentunya akan tercapai dari tujuan pembelajaran yaitu meningkatkan kemampuan para murid dalam memahami dan juga mempelajari pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini dengan baik.

Materi PAS B Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2

No Bab Materi Semester 2
1 5 It’s a beautiful day
2 6 We love what we do
3 7 I’m proud of Indonesia
4 8 That’s what friends are supposed to do

Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2

A. Multiple Choice

Look at the text below, this is for questions number 1 to 5

I have a cat. His name is Eren. He has grey fur and long tail. He is so cute and playful. He drinks milk and eats cat food. He always sleeps on my bed and plays in the living room. He also plays in the garden sometimes to catch butterfly or insect. I love my cat.


What does the writer have?

a. a cat

b. a horse

c. a dog

d. a butterfly

Jawaban: a


What does Eren look like?

a. He has brown fur and long tail

b. He has grey fur and long tail

c. He has brown fur and short tail

d. He has grey fur and short tail

Jawaban: b


What is Eren like?

a. He is ugly but playful

b. He is cute but noisy

c. He is cute and playful

d. He is ugly and noisy

Jawaban: c


Where does Eren usually sleep?

a. In the garden

b. In the living room

c. On sofa

d. On bed

Jawaban: d


Does the writer love Eren?

a. Yes he does

b. No he doesn’t

c. Yes he is

d. No he isn’t

Jawaban: a


A: What is your father’s job?

B: He is a doctor

A: What does he usually do?

B: ….

a. He goes to garden and plants the vegetables

b. He goes to hospital and helps the patients

c. He goes to school and teaches the students

d. He goes to bus station and drives the bus

Jawaban: b


A: I have a brother

B: Really, what does he usually do?

A: My brother is a teacher. Every day except Sunday …

a. He goes to garden and plants the vegetables

b. He goes to hospital and helps the patients

c. He goes to school and teaches the students

d. He goes to bus station and drives the bus

Jawaban: c


My mother always …. in the kitchen

a. Cook

b. Cooked

c. Cooking

d. Cooks

Jawaban: d


My mother and I usually …. Korean drama in the living room.

a. Watched

b. Watching

c. Watches

d. Watch

Jawaban: d


Fill the gaps below!

The butterfly …. beautiful and it …. in the garden.

a. are and flies

b. is and flies

c. am and flying

d. is and fly

Jawaban: b

The text below for questions number 11 to 15

We are proud of our school. We have smart and kind teachers. We have many classes and a library. The library has many books and computers. We always look for information and study there. Our school has 9 classrooms, they are big, tidy and clean.

Our school has a canteen. There is not many food that we can buy, so we have to go outside to buy food and drink that we want. But it is not big deal, we love our school.


The teachers are … and …

a. Beautiful and handsome

b. Diligent and clever

c. Smart and kind

d. Friendly and humble

Jawaban: c


Where do we study and look for the information?

a. Office

b. Classroom

c. Canteen

d. Library

Jawaban: d


How many classrooms are at the school?

a. Nine

b. Eight

c. Seven

d. Six

Jawaban: a


Why do they go outside to buy food and drink?

a. Because the canteen is small

b. Because in the canteen they can not buy food and drink that they want

c. Because the food is not delicious

d. Because they are lazy to go to the canteen

Jawaban: b


Do they love their school?

a. Yes they are

b. No they are not

c. Yes they do

d. No they don’t

Jawaban: c

The song lyric below for questions number 16 to 20.


What is the message of the song?

a. We need a strong shoulder

b. We have to be alone

c. We have to let someone to go away

d. We have to find someone who can be a friend in the sad and happy moments

Jawaban: d


What is the closest meaning of sentence “like you understood me”?

a. You know me well

b. You avoid me

c. You go away

d. You let me alone

Jawaban: a


What is the theme of the song?

a. Friendzone

b. Friendship

c. Lonely

d. Broken heart

Jawaban: b


The closest meaning of phrase ‘rely on’ is …

a. Find out

b. Look for

c. Count on

d. Look after

Jawaban: c


Which one of the lyrics that has meaning ‘sad and happy moments’?

a. Like no one else

b. A soul to rely on

c. A shoulder to cry on

d. Through the highs and the lows

Jawaban: d

Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2

B. Uraian


Girl – the – is – and – beautiful – looking – good


The girl is beautiful and good looking


What does the dentist usually do?


The dentist goes to hospital and helps the patients to cure toothache


What does the farmer usually do?


The farmer goes to garden and plants vegetables and fruits


What is your favorite place? And why?


My favorite place is Santolo beach. Because it is beautiful and it has white sand and good view.


Look at the song lyrics!

The closest meaning of phrase ‘count on me’ is …


Rely on me

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